Downtown Parking Ranked Top Concern Among Results from Annual Citizen Survey


While many residents continue to rate living, working and starting a family in Auburn highly, this year’s annual survey showed the expected: residents are asking for more parking and better traffic flow in downtown. The seven-page survey was conducted by ETC Institute out of Kansas and completed by 760 residents in the city from various […]

City Ordinance Amendment May Help Downtown Parking Problems


In an 8 to 1 vote from Auburn City Council earlier this summer, the city voted to amend a City ordinance to allow Low Speed Vehicle (LSV) Taxicabs like golf carts on city roads in certain parts of the city. The City of Auburn has been approached by a local businessman who is interested in […]

Four-Way Stop in Place at Shell Toomer Parkway and Wrights Mill Road


The State of Alabama placed stop signs this week for a four-way stop at the intersection of Shell Toomer Parkway and Wrights Mill Road. This intersection includes the entrance to Chewacla State Park. This change was approved and implemented by the Alabama Department of Conservation. This intersection is under the jurisdiction of the State of […]

Lane Closures Underway on West Glenn Avenue


As part of their development agreement, contractors for the 191 College student housing development are required to provide infrastructure improvements surrounding the development. Improvements to water and sewer infrastructure will require work along Wright Street, West Glenn Avenue and North College Street. To accommodate this work, West Glenn Avenue between Toomer Street and College Street […]

Lights On Is a Bright Idea


For bicyclists, cycling with a light may seem like a no-brainer while traveling at night. However, according to a study by Madsen, Andersen and Lahrmann called “Safety effects of permanent running lights for bicycles,” cycling with a light at all times—yes, even during the day—can reduce bicycle accidents by 19 percent. Trek says that 80 […]

Driving Distracted – It Can Wait!


Smartphones are convenient and cutting-edge, bringing the world right to your fingertips. Along with all of the benefits of using a smartphone come the many different distractions that fit right into the palm of your hand. Maps, music, social media, talking on the phone—these distractions are just as hazardous as texting and driving. The City […]

See and Be Seen!


With the approach of fall and winter upon us, it’s important to recognize the implications the season change will have on road conditions—specifically for pedestrians and bicyclists. Fall weather means cool, crisp air and pops of color along the road as the leaves change, but it also means an earlier onset of darkness and, often, […]

Transportation Safety Survey Results


Throughout the month of July, Auburn citizens participated in our Transportation Safety Survey. From July 8 through July 22, hundreds of citizens offered us their feedback on transportation safety in Auburn and shared their knowledge of the rules of the road. This information will help us to determine areas of focus for future campaigns and […]

Thank You!


Thank you to everyone who has helped make Travel With Care’s 2016 campaign Know When To Go a success! From the hardworking volunteers who offered their time to the countless citizens who contacted us with their transportation safety concerns, you all have played a huge role in keeping the streets of Auburn safe. Please reach […]