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Information Courtesy City of Auburn

Traffic Myths and Misconceptions

Common Traffic Signs

Stop Sign
A stop sign tells drivers and bicyclists to come to a complete stop and wait until they can continue safely.

Yield Sign
A yield sign tells drivers and bicyclists to prepare to stop if necessary to let another traveler proceed. A yield sign assigns the right-of-way.

All-Way Plaque
An all-way sign placed below a stop sign indicates a multi-way stop intersection. In these intersections, traffic approaching from all directions is required to stop before proceeding.

Stop for Peds in Crosswalk Sign
A Stop for Peds in Crosswalk sign tells drivers and bicyclists to stop for pedestrians who are within a crosswalk.

Speed Limit Sign
A speed limit sign indicates the maximum speed that drivers and bicyclists may travel on a particular road.

One-Way Sign
A one-way sign indicates the only direction drivers and bicyclists may travel on that road.

Do Not Enter Sign
A Do Not Enter sign tells drivers and bicyclists not to travel in a certain direction. Do Not Enter signs are typically placed on one-way streets and at some roadway openings.

Push Button Crosswalk Sign
A push button crosswalk sign tells pedestrians how to cross the street safely and defines crosswalk signals. Always use a crosswalk push button when it is available.

Left Turn Yield on Green Sign
A Left Turn Yield on Green sign reminds drivers and bicyclists they can make a left turn on a green signal as long as they yield to oncoming traffic.

Turning Vehicles Yield to Peds Sign
The Turning Vehicles Yield to Pedestrians sign instructs drivers and bicyclists to yield right-of-way to pedestrians within the crosswalk.

Advisory Speed Limit Sign
An advisory speed limit sign gives drivers and bicyclists a recommended speed limit that is below the legal speed limit. These signs are often placed where there is a large curve ahead in the road.

Stop Ahead Sign
A stop ahead sign gives drivers and bicyclists a heads up that a stop sign is coming up.

Speed Hump Sign
A speed hump sign warns drivers and bicyclists to slow down for an upcoming speed hump.

Cross Road Sign
A cross road sign alerts travelers that another street will be crossing with yours ahead.

Circular Intersection Sign
A circular intersection sign indicates that a circular intersection is up ahead. Make sure to yield to any traffic already in the intersection and watch for pedestrians.

Bicycle Sign
A bicycle sign reminds road users to keep an eye out for bicyclists.

Pedestrian Sign
A pedestrian sign reminds road users to watch for pedestrians.

Share the Road Sign
A Share the Road sign alerts drivers that bicyclists and pedestrians may be traveling along the road and reminds them to give at least 3 feet when passing.
Sign images are from the Manual of Traffic Signs, by Richard C. Moeur.