It’s easy to see why vehicles are the powerhouses of the road — most people choose a vehicle as their primary mode of transportation. BUT, as the captain of your car, it’s your duty to act responsibly behind the wheel. Drive like your family is in the car, in the crosswalk or on the bicycle next to you! Learn more about safe driving here.
Avoid Distractions
Right-of-Way at Crosswalks

Courtesy Wisconsin Bike Fed
Contrary to popular belief, right-of-way at crosswalks isn’t determined by how intimidating your vehicle is. Drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians who are already within a crosswalk or in the midst of crossing the street at an intersection.
Turning at Intersections with Crosswalks

Courtesy PEDS © 2008 PEDS
Checking for oncoming traffic isn’t enough when turning at intersections. We are often so focused on whether our lane is clear of other vehicles that we don’t notice the bicyclist coming up behind us in a bicycle lane or the pedestrian stepping off the median or sidewalk. Always check your blind spots before turning, and keep a close eye out for pedestrians who may be crossing the street.
Traffic Circles

In a traffic circle, vehicles should always move to the right. Yield to traffic that is already within the traffic circle, as they have the right of way. When making a left, drivers should continue around the outside of the circle staying with the flow of traffic. Make sure to use turn signals to notify other travelers when you are exiting. Though they may seem confusing, traffic circles are designed to make intersections safer for all vehicles!
Slow Down

Practice Safe Passing – Give 3 Feet

In the City of Auburn, drivers must leave a safe distance of 3 feet or more when passing a bicyclist. Put yourself in the bicyclist’s seat—a few feet can mean the difference between riding confidently and fearing for your life. Practicing safe passing not only makes our roads safer but also shows respect to your fellow travelers.
Don’t Block the Intersection
Passing School Buses/Transit