Work is underway on the Moores Mill Bridge replacement project. The Alabama Department of Transportation, which is managing the project, is limited left turns at the intersection of East University Drive and Moores Mill Road during construction. Detour signs are posted at appropriate locations.
The Moores Mill Road Bridge replacement project will replace the bridge on Moores Mill Road at Interstate 85 and includes related road, sidewalk and intersection improvements. The project will provide a wider, five-lane bridge, and improve the intersections of Moores Mill Road at East University Drive and Moores Mill Road at Grove Hill Road. The project will also extend the multi-use path on Moores Mill Road to connect to Moores Mill Park.
The Moores Mill Bridge project is designed to improve traffic flow when crossing the interstate via Moores Mill Road. Motorists are encouraged to cross the interstate at Wright’s Mill Road and Bent Creek Road to alleviate traffic congestion in the construction area. During construction, left turns are prohibited at the intersection of East University Drive and Moores Mill Road.
Visit http://www.auburnalabama.org/bridge for more information and updates on the Moores Mill Bridge project.
Images Courtesy City of Auburn