Consider this: Most drivers are more scared of hitting a bicyclist than they are of hitting another car! As a bicyclist, it’s up to you to make sure you ride your bicycle in a way that makes others around you comfortable. Learn more about safe cycling here.
Ride with traffic as if you are a vehicle!
Courtesy Ontario Ministry of Transportation
As a bicyclist, you have all the same rights as a driver does because your bicycle is legally a vehicle. This means that bicyclists must ride with traffic the same way that drivers do, and running a red light or stop sign is still illegal. Obey all traffic signs, and do not weave in and out of traffic. Be respectful to other commuters on the road.
Use Bicycle Lights at Night
Bicycles are not allowed on sidewalks downtown or on campus.
How many times have you seen a bicyclist and thought, “Get on the sidewalk where you belong!” In reality, in downtown Auburn and on Auburn University’s campus, bicycling on the sidewalk is illegal. Remember, bicycles are legally vehicles! Dismount and walk your bicycle when you’re on the sidewalk or in a crosswalk. Collisions between bicyclists and pedestrians happen more often than those between bicyclists and drivers.
Wear a Helmet!
Not wearing a helmet is just as foolish as not wearing a seat belt. The majority of bicycle fatalities involve a bicyclist who wasn’t wearing a helmet. The law requires bicyclists under the age of 16 to wear a helmet, but it’s a smart decision for bicyclists of all ages. Don’t put your life at risk for a fashion statement- Wear a helmet!